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Knowing Your Genre, Part One: Fantasy

Hello everyone! With PitchWars almost in the corner and everyone getting ready for submission, it’s time we all have everything set — there’s always time for last minute revisions and changing your queries, but don’t stress it out. After posting my wishlist, there was a particular question that I got asked a couple of times: […]

Pitch Wars Mentor Wishlist

Did I ever think I would be writing this title? No. Is it very cool that I’m writing it? Hella yes! I’m so excited to be a mentor for Pitch Wars 2017. If you look down my blog, you can probably see my mentee bio for Pitch Wars 2016 and 2015. I entered but didn’t […]

Your Experience is Not Universal: and that’s okay

There’s been a constant discussion on twitter about writing and who gets to write what. As for contemporary, there’s always been that unspoken rule about #ownvoices — someone writing from their own experience will have better knowledge of the subject, and thus will know what they are talking about, and it’ll be written with better […]