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Updates & Interviews

I’ve been MIA for a while with all the #PitchAmérica stuff going on as well as revisions for PitchWars. I didn’t get in, but revising never stops. I’m back to changing stuff in Firebird, revising TSAE and my Middle East-inspired fantasy project. With all that going on, I haven’t really been able to write any […]

I’m now open for Beta-Reading

Hi guys! This is a friendly PSA to let you guys know that I’m now opening for beta-reading and some critique spots. Critiques are especially for queries and synopsis, and you can find them here on the website (prices and everything). One of the things I’ve always said about accurate portrayal in fiction is the […]

Some Life Updates + The Real Neat Blogger Award

So it’s been aaaages since I got nominated for the Real Neat Blogger Award by my super-awesome friend-CP Erin and I still haven’t responded because I’m a TERRIBLE FRIEND. Ok, not exactly, but these past two weeks have been completely insane in my life, and a lot of things have been happening. I got my […]

On obligations to update the blog and writing

Sometimes, I think we new writers are so worried about our social media presence even before we actually write anything. Every single author I read has a blog, a twitter, a tumblr or something else to keep updated – and I think it’s great, because we can can see a little bit of their regular […]