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Discussing Identity, and when it’s not Enough

The other day I read a convo on twitter that made me really think about how we often see ourselves, and how we can hurt someone else when we are hurting. It revolved around the new Blade Runner trailer, and the fact that there are no visible POC on it. Often in sci-fi movies the […]

Going Deep into POV

This is something all writers wonder at some point in our story. Choosing which POV will be used is something hard, especially because it’s the lens through which we’ll see the story pass. POV – short for point of view – is one of the most important elements within a story. Why? Because it shapes […]

Feedback with a pinch of salt

I’ve raved about the importance of finding the right CPs and beta readers before, and I’ll say this again. It’s really important to keep this in mind. NOT ALL FEEDBACK WILL BE RIGHT FOR YOUR BOOK. Repeat with me: NOT ALL FEEDBACK WILL BE RIGHT FOR YOUR BOOK. This is really important to remember. I […]

The Really Unlikable Female Character

I’m always ranting about Unlikable Female Characters and what exactly makes them unlikable. There are some that I want to protect, some I love, some I understand. But this other week I was reading a book that featured one of them, and I just couldn’t get into her character. After I stopped reading, I finally […]

How I Got My Agent

Just writing the title of this post kind of gave me all the excitment again. This is the dream post for every writer, right? Everyone wants to write one of these, and I devour them happily from all other writers. There’s nothing like seeing the reward for hard work, and I always wanted to write […]

5 Reasons to Participate in NaNoWriMo

Hi world! Looks like it’s been a while since I last updated the blog, which makes sense. I’ve been rewriting old drafts, revising and making things more perfect with new ones, and battling two new stories that want to be written. That being said, it’s almost time for NaNoWriMo again! First day is Tuesday, and […]

Bi Visibility Week 2k16

It’s bisexual visibility week so I thought I might as well write a post on it. And as always, I’m going to connect it to reading and writing. Sit tight and bear it with me. Bisexuality is a complicated identity to identify yourself with. First, because there aren’t a lot of us out there in […]

Bad Representation is Bad Writing

This week a friend of mine came to talk to me about Christopher Nolan’s INTERSTELLAR. Although I thought that the making of the movie was beautiful (the shots! the planets! the score!), I couldn’t simply set this aside and say it was a good movie because of the way the female characters were treated. To […]

When the Romance gets in the way

It’s been a while since I wanted to rant about this topic, so I thought ‘why the hell not?’ and decided to write this as a blog post. A lot of this is about writing, and a lot of it is about reading as well. As every writer, I LOVE to read. I love to […]