These are just some questions I get a lot. If I haven’t answered any of your more pressing questions, feel free to send me an e-mail or contact me through the form.
I’m from Brazil! I currently live in São Paulo, with a lot of books and a dachshund named Vina.
The book is about a young Latina pilot who finds herself grounded and alone after a devastating alien attack. She finds hope in a dog and an unlikely group of survivors called The Last Teenagers on Earth. You can learn more about it here.
THE LAST 8 is a duology. THE FIRST 7 is the second book.
THE GRIMROSE GIRLS is the story of four girls who are reimagined fairytale princesses, and who must investigate a curse which took the life of their best friend. It’s going to be a duology, and you can learn more about it here.
It’s now called THE GRIMROSE GIRLS and it’s already out. We changed the title and the cover, but the story remains the same and you can already read it.
ARCs can be requested through my publisher, Sourcebooks Fire.
PitchAmérica is a contest I used to run that featured unagented Latinx writers. You can learn more about it by visiting the website.
Read, read, and read some more. I have a whole blog full of writing advice. You can check out my writing resources page by clicking here.
I offer editing services tailored to your needs and do freelance editorial jobs. Please read my “editing services” page or contact me to get an estimate. I also offer services in Portuguese here.
All blurb requests can come through my agent, so you can contact her at:
Website design by Aline Shinzato and Raquel Vichiesse