I’ve been MIA for a while with all the #PitchAmérica stuff going on as well as revisions for PitchWars. I didn’t get in, but revising never stops. I’m back to changing stuff in Firebird, revising TSAE and my Middle East-inspired fantasy project.
With all that going on, I haven’t really been able to write any blog posts. Hopefully next month things will be quieter for me, and I’ll be able to write accordingly. Anyway, I did a couple of interviews to promote #PitchAmérica, so I thought I might as well leave you with the links.
- Interview with Vanza Media about the creation of PitchAmérica. Vanza is a great project that supports Latinx youth and their work, dedicated to promoting Latinx projects.
- Interview with Lyla Lawless, my wonderful CP who I found thrugh #CPMatch on twitter. These events are great to connect with people who write in the same category as you. Here I talk about diversity and how you can support diversity being a white author.
- Interview with Amparo Ortiz as part of her ‘Staying Awesome’ interview series. (Also, how cool is that? Staying awesome? *blushes*) . She’s a Latina YA writer y’all should keep a look on. I talk about feminism, representation and unlikable female characters.
I feel like a real adult posting these interviews, LOL. If anyone asks whether or not I’m adult enough, I’m just going to point to these.
That said, Blue Ivy probably answers more interviews than me. She’s probably better at it too.